SANTA Program

Share a Smile with a Child

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Bagging Toys

Bagging toys is like going shopping.  You are in a room full of new toys just waiting to be selected.  Baggers come from all different areas.  They come as individuals, as families or various groups. The groups can be 4-H clubs, scouts, Sunday School groups, etc

Each family has a Profile Sheet telling the bagger the child's sex and age.  From that information, the bagger proceeds to bag for the children on the Profile Sheet. 

You need not worry about selecting the proper toys.  We have helpers to get you started and be to sure each child has at least $60.00 worth of new toys.

If you are an individual or family, you must make an appointment whether it is during  the week or on the weekend.   We normally start bagging on Saturday around 9:00 am and go to about 3:00 pm.  On Sunday, we start around 1:30 pm and go to around 3:30 pm. 

However, if you are a group, you need to contact Karen at 878-1131 to make arrangements. Please be prepared to leave a message.  Someone will get back to you.  .


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Last modified on: 10/26/2022 .
This page created and maintained by Bob Spalding - Outside Elf